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Beta sign up

Sign up now for free

As early 'beta' users of the Lumo app, we will optimise your energy usage for FREE, guaranteeing you'll save money, we're even paying a £100 thank you for the first 25 customers.

Zero your bills

Make your solar & battery 30% smarter, connect to Lumo's app and we'll optimise your energy usage, saving you £1,000s.

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Main Dashboard Screen_cut_new2.png

How it works

A single app optimising all energy usage

Lumo works holistically, optimising all home energy usage, maximising energy efficiency & savings.

How it works

A single app optimising all energy usage

Lumo works holistically, optimising all home energy usage, maximising energy efficiency & savings.

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Optimisation engine_block_new.png
Maximum Savings_block_new.png

How it works

A single app optimising all energy usage

Lumo works holistically, optimising all home energy usage, maximising energy efficiency & savings.

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Why choose us

Industry leading optimisation

Our optimisation boosts efficiency by 30% more than a standard solar & battery system

Beta sign up

Sign up now for free

As early 'beta' users of the Lumo app, we will optimise your energy usage for FREE, guaranteeing you'll save money, we're even paying a £100 thank you for the first 25 customers.

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